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Sola Students

Sola Student Ministry seeks to create a ministry partnership between parents and youth leaders.  We hope that our student ministry will be a significant resource for parents as they guide their children into godly and mature adulthood.

We strive with parents to help our students treasure Christ above all things, understand and love God’s Word, and grow in godliness (Eph 3:14-21; Eph. 4:11-16; Eph. 6:1-4).

How do we accomplish this task?  We will focus on the following five specific goals.

1. Teach the Word of God

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:1-17)

We take the responsibility of teaching God’s Word to students very seriously.  Our teaching will focus mainly on the Biblical text itself.  There are many needs and concerns that arise in life, and there are times when we may cover some of these in our student ministry.  However, the main emphasis of this ministry will be to carefully teach through the Scripture itself; avoiding preoccupation with “felt needs” and allowing God’s Word to speak to all areas of students’ lives.

2. Provide Mentorship & Discipleship

Our aim is to help students grow in spiritual maturity. One way we want to help make this happen is in the context of mentoring relationships. Young believers will grow best with the help of more mature believers. Parents play the most significant role in this endeavor, yet other godly adults can often have a significant impact on the spiritual growth of children, especially in the teenage years. Our desire is to connect teenagers with adults who will guide them toward maturity and set an example of godliness for the students. (1 Cor. 11:1; 2 Tim. 1:13)

  • Mentors must be members of Sola and be appointed by a Student Team Leader and affirmed by the Elders and will have met necessary prerequisites (i.e. background check, interview with a staff member)
  • Adult women will only mentor girls; Adult men will only mentor boys.
  • The goal is that these students will grow in maturity and be able to disciple others, both now and later in life.

3. Encourage Service & Evangelism

As students grow into maturity in Christ, we want to begin challenging them to proclaim the gospel to others.  (1 Pet. 2:9)

We want the students to understand the gospel well, both for their own benefit and also so they will have confidence to share the gospel with others. We will also seek to find opportunities for the students to serve those who are in need, with the ultimate aim of sharing the gospel with others.

4. Fellowship

We want to help our students understand that being part of the body of Christ means growing in our love for one another, both young and old.  Hopefully, mentoring relationships will help students grow in friendships with older believers.  But we also want to encourage their relationships with one another as they walk through the same stage of life together. (1 John 1:7; 1 Thes. 5:11) 

5. Encourage Lasting Change

Lasting change must flow out of the theology of the cross and the glory of the Christ and the gospel. The cross speaks honestly about the depth of our problem with sin. The problem is so deep that God himself would have to leave heaven, endure torture on a cross, and experience eternal judgment to fix it. It is a problem only fixed by the power of God.

The reason Gospel-centrality is so critical to student ministry is that it addresses the heart of students, their true problems and their greatest eternal potential. Rules, motivational speeches, fun, and friends have no power to heal hearts and revive lives like the good news of Christ’s completed work. When students grasp that God loves them perfectly and permanently in spite of their sin, there is great hope of transformation. When students adopt a gospel rhythm of life, where they see the need for God and depend on his grace, God can bring immeasurable healing, freedom, and fruit. The gospel of grace must appear over and over again in our teaching and discipleship of students.



Students participate in the Sola corporate worship gathering as well as participate in a bible study 1 hour prior to the gathering at 3 pm.